Flipping Fact Friday: Pay to Play in Greeley-Evans D6 School District

In March of 2019 our country watched as many famous people were arrested. Their crime? Paying off Universities to get their kids accepted because they did not have the grades or test scores to get in on their own accord.

Greeley Evans District 6’s test scores and proficiency rates are alarmingly low, yet our graduation rate has increased almost 10% over the last few years. This must be some of that common core math… or… is it?

What if I told you that D6 allows parents to pay them to allow their kids who failed a class, to go online and take a test, and if they pass that test, they get full credit for the class. This is called Credit Recovery. And you already know that it is widely known by the students that the answers for all of these tests are easily accessible online.

That 84% graduation rate and 43% of D6 students who need remedial classes at both two and four year institutions, are starting to make more sense. You don’t have to know the material, just get your parents to buy your high school diploma.

This was your Flipping Fact Friday, where as I campaign for Greeley-Evans school district 6 board director and bring you facts that will make you want to flip out, flip tables, and flip this board.

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